6938 Mago Anthracite Ash VS Capricorn
We say goodbye to the year with Capricorn. A sign characterised by 3 Ps, professional, prudent and pacient. People born from the 22 of December to the 20 of January are cautious, prefering to a few good friends than a great group of half-friends. They are loyal, responsable and above all fair, they are persistent until they get want they want.
A Capricorn expects a lot from their employees, family and friends, but only because they expect the same from themselves.
Continuing with the letter P, they are often pesamists with themsleves, meditation, breathing and advice from their loved one help them feel valued and possitve.
When it comes to fashion, Capricorn women are elegant and sophisticated, but not ostentatious. They like good quality items that aren't too loud as they don't like too much attention.
Capricorns love earth colours, different shades of brown, bottle green and the darkest of greys
6938 Mago Antracita Ash is a boot that fits all of these aspects of the sign, the lazer-cut design gives and elegant touch, the charcoal is so wearable and its shape is very versatile, being able to team it with skirts and dresses as much as with leggings and tight trousers.
Here are some outfits inspired by this model.